Whenever an accident occurs and another boat is involved, please take a note of the details of the other persons and boats involved. This is not always easy to do whilst afloat, but try to remember the name of the boat or the sail number and make contact once you are ashore. Please don’t forget to obtain the details of any potential witnesses.
Where possible please take photographs of the damage and email or post with your claim form. If the claim relates to a stolen or vandalised vessel or equipment, the incident should be reports to the police who will provide you with a Crime Reference Number.
The claim form will need to show your details, including your policy number, the date, time and place of the incident, plus weather conditions if relevant and contact details of the other persons involved and witnesses. Your Crime Reference Number should be included if the claim is related to theft or vandalism and any photographs of the damage will always assist greatly.
You will also need to obtain estimates for the repair or replacement items. Initially only one estimate may be required, however if the costs involved are large, further estimates may be required or a marine surveyor or loss adjuster may be appointed to inspect the boat and oversee the repairs.
Once all the required information has been received, we will confirm how to proceed and help take you through the process. More information may be required, and it may also be necessary to communicate with the other party involved, or their Insurers.
Once the repairs have been completed you may be required to pay the full amount to the repairer before your boat is released to you, or you may be asked to pay just the amount of your policy excess.
We always recommend that all our customers take out Marine Legal Expenses cover as they will recover any uninsured costs in the event of a non–fault claim if other party is known.
Any Stolen equipment and boats will be listed free of charge on www.stolenboats.org.uk.
Important Information that you need to obtain in the event of an incident
- The name and address of the person in charge of the other vessel.
- Are they the Boat owner? If not the name and address of the boat owners will be required.
- Their insurance company and policy number.
- The above information should be submitted on a claim form as soon as possible.